FAQ : preparing your trip to Polynesia

Do you have any questions about planning your trip? I’ll give you as many answers as possible, so you can plan your trip with peace of mind.

Why choose a travel planner rather than a travel agency?

Travel planners don’t work with exclusive service providers, from whom they earn commissions on sales. They are therefore free to recommend the best suppliers to meet your requirements.

The travel planner cannot make a reservation for you and then charge you for it. That’s the law. So, he selects what suits you and you make your own reservation. This brings greater transparency to your travel budget. You know what you’re paying.

Generally speaking, you’ll pay the same rate whether or not you choose to work with a Travel Planner.

No, the law forbids travel planners to make reservations for the customer. This is the role of a travel agency, via a deposit. Stay in control of your reservations and spread your expenses thanks to the work of a travel planner.

The sooner the better. This gives you time to fine-tune your budget, make your choice of service providers and avoid stress before your trip. However, it’s still possible to call on my services even just before departure. Bear in mind, however, that accommodation, flights and activities may already be fully booked, which narrows the field of possibilities.

For the Society Islands (Tahiti, Bora Bora, etc.) and surrounding areas, you can travel from April to December.

The period from August to November is known as the “austral winter”, when the wind is often blowing and the water gets colder (25°C). The advantage of this period? It’s whale season, when you can swim with humpback whales.
At the end of November, the rainy season begins. But it’s not yet the height of the humidity, so it’s perfectly feasible to spend Christmas in the sun, for example.

The Marquesas Islands have a reversed climate. From January to July, it’s the wet season (rainier and hotter) and from August to December, it’s the dry season.

All payments are made online via a Stripe payment link, a secure payment platform. You pay for the Travel Planner service. I take no commission on the recommendations I make.

Payment is made in one or two steps.

If you choose the Hazelnut package, payment is a one-off. Once you’ve chosen the date for our meeting, I’ll send you the payment link. We confirm the date when we receive confirmation of payment.

If you choose another offer, payment is made in two instalments. The first payment will be made in advance of our meeting. Receipt of this deposit confirms the chosen slot.
At the end of our meeting, I pre-select the service providers for you. It’s then time for you to pay the balance to receive your selection. Once I’ve received confirmation of payment, I send you my selection of service providers, with payment links for each of your requests.

Then it’s up to you to pay for the bookings in the selection. Please note that the longer the payment period, the less likely it is that availability will be respected.

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